Updating of guidelines and drafting of new ones
Back in 2006, 6 task groups published guidelines for current topics at the time: Cabling, Tasks on purchase and sale of equipment, Conveyors, Stainless steel, Piping installation, Installation of components in enclosed process plants.
There have been calls from the industry to look at guideline updates and to address the following issues:
- Equipment manufacturers express a need to introduce a special documentation for hygienic products.
- The food processing industry is experiencing a growing need for validation of processes to ensure a good hygienic status throughout the life-time of the process equipment.
- The people involved in quality assurance and cleaning often lack proper feed-back to ensure improvements in problematic equipment design.
A number of meetings have been held, where the following topics were discussed and potential task groups appointed:
- Approval of entire processing lines
- Enclosed systems
- Open systems
- Surfaces and their hygiene status
- Cabling
- Validation of cleaning
Task groups to address the above issues were appointed in the fourth quarter of 2015.
DMN members can read publications about the project here >

- Dorte Walzl Bælum
- Network Director
- B.Sc. Chem. Eng., M.Sc. in Business
- M: 60 35 19 90
- E: dwb@dmn-net.com