Surface treatment and adhesion
The surface of materials can be processed or treated, so desired and/or improved properties are obtained, and so adhesion to other materials is made possible or enhanced. Under this theme, work will be done on surface treatment of selected components provided by participating companies.
Approved project proposal
Improvement/development of adhesion between metal and roofing materials. The proposal has been made by the company JUAL A/S.
The project is about adhesion between roofing foil/roofing paper and metal, used in the roofing industry. JUAL A/S produces metal installations (steel and aluminium) for drainpipes and solar cells, among others. In such installations it is vital to have good adhesion between these two materials, in order to prevent water penetration to the substructure.
The project has two focus areas:
- Adhesion between roofing paper and metal.
- Adhesion between roofing foil and metal.
The project is divided because the adhesion mechanism for the two types of roofing materials is very different due to the very different chemical structure of the two types of materials. In addition, roofing foils are divided into two groups; polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and thermoplastic olefin (TPO), as these are also chemically structurally very different and therefore require different solutions.
The purpose of the project is to map the attachment mechanism between roofing foil/roofing paper and metal surfaces, in order to gain an understanding of the interaction between the materials. From there, new/improved methods can be developed. Existing solutions from other manufacturers and brand-new solutions inspired by them are already being investigated. The goal is for roofing paper to have a more optimized and controlled process that provides good adhesion for a wide range of different types of roofing paper. For roofing foil, the goal is to find a coating, that can easily be applied after designing the metal applications, and which can adhere to a wide range of PVC and/or TPO foils.
Besides DMN, the following participants are involved in the project: JUAL A/S, including subcontractors. This circle is expected to be extended with knowledge intuitions and companies.
DMN members can read publications about the project in Danish here >

- Dorte Walzl Bælum
- Network Director
- B.Sc. Chem. Eng., M.Sc. in Business
- M: 60 35 19 90
- E: