Choice of materials in relation to design, manufacture, use and recycling

In manufacturing of products, the choice of materials is of great significance for the properties of the product, and with complex products it is often necessary to use different types of materials. Therefore, specific material choices are made for selected subjects in the project under the above-mentioned theme.

Approved project proposal

New methods for collecting plastic from the oceans. The proposal has been submitted by The Association of Engineers.

The project is concerning development of equipment for cleaning beaches.

Baseline for the project is the highly topical social issue, concerning accumulation of macro- and microplastic on and nearby beaches, harbors, streams, river outlets and on the near costal ocean bottom in Denmark and several places in Southeast Asia. The plastic spoils the appearance of the beaches and has an impact on birds, benthic animals, clams, fish and others, that mistakes the plastic waste for food. The consequences of the impact are yet to be determined.

Given that there are already ongoing beach cleanings in Denmark, where macroplastic is removed on most beaches along the west coast, the project is delimited, so the purpose is to develop methods/equipment to facilitate and streamline the collecting of microplastic between 2-5 mm from beaches on the west coast.

The extent of the problem regarding the amount of microplastic on the west coast is currently unknown, so part of the project is about gathering knowledge on this subject, so the right equipment can be developed.

Thus, the goal of the project is to uncover the extent of the problem and to make suggestions regarding principles which can be used in a machine made for cleaning beaches from microplastic, filtering out sand, shells and other organic materials. It is also a goal to uncover the interest for such a machine – who wants to buy it, if it is developed?

Besides DMN, so far, the following partners are involved in the project:

Ocean Plastic Forum, The Association of Engineers, Fredericia Maskinmesterskole (FMS), Roskilde University (RUC), The University of Southern Denmark, DHI, Strandet, Hvide Sande Shipyard Steel Service, Plasticfree Ocean, Virkekraft, Alumeco, Cemecon Scandinavia, and Denmarks Sea Museum.

This circle is expected to be extended with more actors from the industry, from elsewhere in the value chain than the already involved parties.

DMN members can read publications about the project in Danish here >

For further information, please contact:
  • Dorte Walzl Bælum
  • Network Director
  • B.Sc. Chem. Eng., M.Sc. in Business
  • M: 60 35 19 90
  • E:
DMN - The Danish industry portal for solving materials related problems