Innovative use of composite materials
A project financed by the Region of Southern Denmark and the European Union.
The project “Innovative Composite Materials” concerns both finishing and continuing a current project about composites in a corrosive environment. The goal is to continue building on the experience from the original project, where analyses of the corrosive environment and various materials tests were performed, and also work with the issues surrounding the production of a prototype in the form of a staircase for installation in a swimming bath.
During the project period, analyses of marketing possibilities at home and abroad will be performed, and experience and information about issues relevant to the project will be accumulated. Further testing will also be done and further work on design and construction will be made.
The possibilities for automation of selected production processes will be explored. The prototype will be installed and approval will be applied for. Subsequently, a service check of the prototype will be performed and a satisfaction survey among users and technicians will be taken.
A report describing the project has been prepared.
DMN members can read publications about the project in Danish here >

- Dorte Walzl Bælum
- Network Director
- B.Sc. Chem. Eng., M.Sc. in Business
- M: 60 35 19 90
- E: