Industry certification (Evaluation team)
As part of the project Industry Certification a task force was created with members from Arla Foods, ISS World, IPU, FORCE Technology, SanDesign and DMRI (Danish Meat Research Institute).
An evaluation tool has been drafted for rating the quality of equipment based on the following criteria: hygienic design, ease of cleaning, maintenance, materials used, etc.
The use of this document requires some degree of expertise in hygienic design and cleaning technology, but can be used to evaluate comparable set-ups. The rating obtained is dependent on the complexity of the equipment, and comparisons should therefore only be made on similar systems.
DMN members can read publications about the project in Danish here >

- Dorte Walzl Bælum
- Network Director
- B.Sc. Chem. Eng., M.Sc. in Business
- M: 60 35 19 90
- E: