Horizon 2020-Net

The Danish Materials Network, DMN, has received a grant from the Department of Science and Innovation for a networking project, Horizon 2020-Net. The purpose of the project is to intensify the participation of Danish research institutions and companies in Horizon 2020 projects of strategic Danish interest in relation to relevant programmes under Horizon 2020.

Horizon 2020 is the EU’s support programme for research and innovation. The programme is active during 2014-2020, has a budget of 75 billion Euros and provides economic support to researchers, companies, entrepreneurs, organizations, regions, etc.

H2020-Net enables DNM to hold a number of networking activities with the purpose of engaging new participants in Horizon 2020, giving them the knowledge and qualifications to develop new project ideas and connecting them to the necessary networks to make a successful application.

During the upstart phase, the people at DMN have acquired more knowledge about Horizon 2020 and have prepared an introductory presentation giving an insight into what is included in Horizon 2020.

After this, a series of workshops are being held for members of DMN and others interested in becoming partners in a Horizon 2020 project.

In these workshops, DMN, together with specialists in this field, elaborate on some of the many programmes under H2020, and certain companies that have already participated in H2020 projects talk about their experiences on the subject.

More information about these workshops will be posted on this website and will be sent to companies in DMN’s contact database.

If you or your company is interested in seeing and hearing the introductory presentation, you are very welcome to contact the undersigned.

For further information, please contact:
  • Dorte Walzl Bælum
  • Network Director
  • B.Sc. Chem. Eng., M.Sc. in Business
  • M: 60 35 19 90
  • E: dwb@dmn-net.com
DMN - The Danish industry portal for solving materials related problems