Green Circular Conversion (GCO)
Plast Center Danmark is a partner in Green Circular Conversion (GCO) project. In the next two years, we will promote circular conversion in Danish SMEs with a broad collaboration of actors.
What is Circular Conversion?
Companies change from linear to circular business by e.g. to design, produce or sell products such as:
- Lasts longer
- Are easy to repair and renovate
- Can be disassembled so that materials can be reused
- For rent instead of being sold
- Consists of organic/renewable materials
What does your company get out of participating?
Your process is compiled according to your company’s needs. It can be individual counselling, value chain process on common challenges, sprint process or grants for investments in equipment. In all cases, your company gets:
- A concrete plan for how your company can work more circularly
- Development of new business potentials
- Competitive advantages and preparation for the future’s increased demands on sustainable manufacturing, products, packaging and logistics
- Professional, industry-savvy consulting service that looks at the company’s resource use with new eyes
What does it take to participate?
The process is free, you just have to invest time. Companies spend an average of 400 hours on a process, depending on the company’s needs.
- Your company must be in the category of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) with a maximum of 250 employees and a turnover of a maximum of EUR 50 million. The company must be an independent SME and must not be part of or owned by a large company.
- Management must have the courage to develop your product or production to become more circular.
The project’s primary target group is SMEs that have not participated in similar development projects.
More about the project
Green Circular Conversion (GCO) is a national project that broadly and across industries develops and implements green and circular business models in Danish small and medium-sized companies. The project lasts from 2019 to 2022 and has ongoing application deadlines. The project is financed by the EU and consists of 17 partners, including the country’s business houses.
Get news during the project by following us on Linkedin > or see more here:

- Dorte Walzl Bælum
- Network Director
- B.Sc. Chem. Eng., M.Sc. in Business
- M: 60 35 19 90
- E: