Disposable bioplastics
A project financed by the Region of Southern Denmark and the Danish Agency for Science and Innovation.
Due to increased environmental awareness there is an increasing demand from consumers and retailers for disposable articles made of bioplastics, i.e. plastics based on renewable resources.
The purpose of the project was to explore the possibilities for production and delivery of disposables in bioplastics to retailers and consumers. The target for the retailers is to obtain a licence to use the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, since the environmental profile of the products have significant market implications.
Bioplastics are perceived by many intuitively as an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional plastics and as a consequence, the plastics industry is experiencing an increasing demand for products made from bioplastics. FORCE Technology has in collaboration with Aalborg University in Esbjerg, the Technical University of Denmark and Plast Canter Denmark explored the possibilities for production and delivery of disposables to retailers and consumers in Denmark as a part of the innovation network PlastNet.
A report describing the project has been prepared.
The report examines the different types of plastics, their technical properties, the distribution on the Danish market in relation to disposables, relevant legislation and an assessment of environmental benefits and drawbacks of using bioplastics as an alternative to conventional plastics from crude oil.
DMN members can read publications about the project in Danish here >

- Dorte Walzl Bælum
- Network Director
- B.Sc. Chem. Eng., M.Sc. in Business
- M: 60 35 19 90
- E: dwb@dmn-net.com