Anti-Microbial Aluminium Surfaces
Anti-Microbial Aluminium Surfaces, AMAS, was a national project covering R&D of non-contaminating and anti-microbial aluminium surfaces. The project explored the possibility that products of aluminium, plastics and other metals with a titanium dioxide surface coating could be treated with UV light in order to destroy all surface bacteria.
This project could revolutionize cleansing of surfaces where cleanliness is essential. Thus aluminium and product design could find new usage in future products for the handling of food or for dental and hospital equipment.
For further information look for possible current projects on the website or contact AluNet.
The project was financed by Højteknologifonden (the high technology fund).

- Dorte Walzl Bælum
- Network Director
- B.Sc. Chem. Eng., M.Sc. in Business
- M: 60 35 19 90
- E: