New plastics and composites for food contact – test methods and risk assessment

A project financed by the Danish Agency for Science and Innovation.

For plastic materials in contact with food, there are a number of legal requirements set up to protect the consumer against substances hazardous to health. The legislation is complex and the growing proportion of new materials and material combinations makes it very difficult for companies to recognize whether a new plastic material will be suitable. There is therefore a great need for a survey of the applicable legal requirements and tools that can help companies, particularly SMBs, to implement novel materials in new products.

Plastics are regulated by the EU Commission Regulation on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food and it is, in common with other materials (including rubber and composites), covered by a GMP regulation and a framework regulation, which is built into the Danish regulation covering materials in contact with food. In this context it would be very relevant to prepare a database with proposals for assessment criteria for different polymer types. Appraisal of recycled plastic materials for food contact, which for environmental reasons represent an increasing proportion, pose a special problem in relation to legislation, as does appraisal of composites, including complex materials such as plastics/paper, plastics/metal combinations.

Rubber and composites that do not contain plastics are not included in specific EU regulations, but there is national legislation in many countries (Germany, France, Italy, etc.) that is often used to assess the suitability of materials. There is no specific legislation in Denmark.

It is therefore very relevant to make a risk assessment on the different types of polymeric materials used in process equipment in the food industry. Particularly in the areas of rubber and silicone there is great deal of irresolution about which criteria should be used to assess suitability.

A report describing the project has been prepared.

DMN members can read publications about the project in Danish here >

For further information, please contact:
  • Dorte Walzl Bælum
  • Network Director
  • B.Sc. Chem. Eng., M.Sc. in Business
  • M: 60 35 19 90
  • E:
DMN - The Danish industry portal for solving materials related problems