Seminar: Climatic reliability of electronics – challenges and perspectives

About the seminar

Exposure environment caused corrosion failures are dominant today for Power Electronics and other electronic systems due to harsh application environments.

We are organizing this yearly seminar for the last 10 years consecutively with the goal of providing a common platform for discussing various aspects of this multidisciplinary topic with involvement of relevant stakeholders. Every year this seminar attracted many from universities, research institutions, and industries and was a great success with participants from all over the world.

Due to the continued interest and relevance of topic today because of the extensive use of power electronics and other electronics equipment as integral part in many applications such as renewable energy, transportation, and automotive electrification under harsh climatic conditions, we are organizing 10th version of this seminar on 3-4 April 2025.

Topics and program

Broadly, seminar will address topics related to electronics and climatic exposure related issues such as corrosion failure mechanisms, material-design-process aspects leading to corrosion effects, intrinsic and extrinsic preventive strategies, and technological sector wise issues. Aim is to bring together electronics/electrical and material/corrosion experts both from academia and industries to tackle various issues.


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Dato: torsdag den 3. april 2025 kl. 00.00 - fredag den 4. april 2025 kl. 00.00 Sted: Technical University of Denmark, Anker Engelunds Vej 1, DK-2800 Lyngby

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DMN - Danmarks industriportal for løsning af materialerelaterede problemstillinger