Methods for improving wear resistance
Wear is a natural process removing material from contact interfaces. For structural components this means a degradation of the function and eventually leads to failure. This seminar will show different ways of decreasing the effects of wear and how to test it. The main focus will be on metallic components although some of the principles are common to all materials. The seminar is relevant for anyone working with structural components, R&D, production/sourcing, and technical service. No special background knowledge is needed although a general technical interest is essential.
Ved at afgive dine personlige oplysninger til arrangementet accepterer du at modtage nyhedsbreve fra Dansk Materiale Netværk, og at dit navn og din virksomhed kommer på arrangementets deltagerliste, som er synlig for dette arrangements deltagere. Læs mere om, hvad vi bruger dine oplysninger til: Datapolitik >