Mechanical Surface Properties
The mechanical surface properties of parts and finished products are often critical factors in research, product development and quality control. But how do you obtain the right information? It often requires sophisticated and very surface sensitive techniques to characterize and understand the mechanical surface properties. Expand your technical insight and join us for this online seminar that is focused on mechanical materials surface testing, inspection, and characterization.
The seminar features experts from Switzerland, the Netherlands and UK and will include an introduction to test methods and practical cases on how to obtain mechanical properties such as hardness, friction, wear, scratch resistance and coating adhesion.
Target audience
This seminar is aimed at engineers and researchers in both industry and academia. It is intended for you who seek to stay up to date and would like to deepen your knowledge of surface characterization technologies and seek solutions to specific challenges. The talks will give you in-depth knowledge while focusing on practical applications and real-life cases.
As a member of the DMN you can participate to a discounted membership price.
See program and sign up here >
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