Lubrication & lubricants – dag 2
Online via MS Teams
This seminar will give a general introduction to lubrication followed by talks on specific types of lubricants such as oils, greases and dry lubricants.
Lubrication is an important part of machine maintenance, such that lubricating oil alone can increase the life of a combustion engine from a few seconds to more than 5,000 hours. This is possible even though the oil film is sometimes less than one micron thick. In general, only few sliding contacts can run without lubrication due to high friction and wear.
Lubricant quality, however, often deteriorates over time. Condition monitoring is, therefore, in many cases crucial to ensure optimal production conditions. This raises another important question: How do we dispose of used lubricants? By burning or recycling? Recycling of traditional oil-based lubricants benefit from a lower carbon footprint and support a more sustainable circular economy.
But what if oils and greases are not suitable lubricants due to e.g. very high operating temperatures, operation in vacuum conditions or demands on cleanliness. In these cases dry lubricants or self-lubricating coatings may be part of the solution.
All these topics and more will be discussed as part of this seminar.
Target audience
The seminar is aimed at mechanical engineers, industrial and production technicians, tool makers, machine designers and constructors, etc.
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