Engineered Natural Materials in Packaging Applications
Natural materials derived from plants, which have been used by humans since the start of civilization, have been largely replaced by synthetic and composite materials during the last century. With the increasing global awareness and concern on management of end of life of such synthetic and composite materials and related environmental threats, engineered natural materials are gaining considerable commercial importance. Strong efforts are devoted worldwide to the development of new engineered natural fibers and materials, and their use in new environmentally friendly products and products with new functionalities. The combination with biopolymers opens up the way for replacement of fossil fuel derived polymers. The high specific strength, low density, and biocompatibility of natural fibers offers plenty of opportunities for their use as filler materials and as materials for packaging and structural applications.
The rate of development of packaging solutions using engineered natural materials is increasing fast and has the potential to substitute conventional polymer based packaging in a wide variety of areas, from consumer and food packaging to reusable packaging of industrial goods. Challenges still remain with respect to modelling and prediction of the part characteristics and performance in operation, process development for mass production, as well as development of fiber material with tailored properties. In addition, the implications for the supply chain must be considered.
Get up-to-date knowledge
The seminar on Engineered Natural Materials in Packaging Applications brings together top European industrial and academic speakers providing up-to-date knowledge of the latest developments, new possibilities and opportunities that can support companies in implementing natural materials packaging innovation. The seminar covers the topics of natural fibers mechanics, fiber based moulding, biopolymer moulding, material development and reusable industrial packaging
Target audience
The webinar is directed to engineers and production managers with interest in the use of natural materials in packaging applications.
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