Introduction to POLREC training courses – Offer from Danish service providers

Danish Materials Network invites you to join a free of charge webinar on two specific online training offers from the Danish service provider Reccura:

  • Plastic Recycling

There are various methods for recycling plastic, including mechanical recycling and che­mical recycling. During the course, experts will review these technologies and iden­tify which technologies are best suited for different types of plastics.

  •  Digital Product Passports

Legislation on digital product passports introduces a new era of transparency and ac­count­­ability in consumer goods. These digital documents are comprehensive re­cords that de­tail a product’s journey from inception to end-of-life (disposal). Infor­mation stored in a digital product passport can include details about the materials used, manufacturing pro­cesses, energy consumption, carbon footprint, and disposal options at the end of its life.

 This course provides participants with knowledge about the legislation and how digi­tal product passports can be implemented at product level.

Free of charge

If your company is an SME and earns a POLREC training sub-grant up to four of your employees can attend the training courses free of charge.

During the webinar you will be reminded of how to apply for the sub-grant.

Dato: tirsdag den 13. august 2024 kl. 09.00 - kl. 10:30 Sted: Online

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DMN - Danmarks industriportal for løsning af materialerelaterede problemstillinger